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Big Easy Art

Bachittar Singh

Artist, Illustrator, Designer and Printmaker

Shortlisted Contemporary Printmaking Prize 2023.

Printmaker previously worked in: Worton Hall (Coriander Studios), Leeds Arts University, West Yorkshire Print Workshop, University of Leeds, Leeds Print Workshop, Fundacio Pilar i Juan Miró



My name is Bachittar 'Sammy' Singh, shortened to just 'Bach'. Nice to meet you. To tell you a bit about myself, I'm from Handsworth in Birmingham, second generation immigrant (India); I like flowers, Spring, comedy, laughing, and I'm generally very interested in a lot of things, printmaking and drawing included.


My printmaking practice involves creating and telling stories. The human and sensory experiences is usually a topic I like. The freedom printmaking gives me to explore stories leaves a lot of room for experimental compositions and styles, be it figurative or mark mark making, whatever inspires me. Creating a series of prints further explores the idea of a narrative driving the direction of the story, a visual code tied together through repetition. I view each print as individual moments of a story. Much like my drawings, I incorporate found objects, fabrics, materials and natural elements into the etching process. I enjoy the design process of creating a print from start to finish. With there being so many variables to create an etching, I often feel as though I am collaborating with the process itself; I have control of the materials but they sometimes choose to react differently to as planned, making it an interesting dynamic. I like that I have the option of leaning into the unpredictability of some parts of the process, sometimes I can really surprise myself. Often I will start working on a print without first having a concrete idea of what I'm trying to say or what story I want to tell, maybe just a feeling. It's usually though the act of making that ideas will come to me. Printmaking is so physical, its a real process, ideas come from experimenting with materials and realising when something has potential.

Work Experience

Photo Gallery

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